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It feels great to be on a run of getting bigger with people coming from ever further to take part. It seemed like you all had fun, even if I couldn’t hear or see most of it from inside my easel.

We had FOUR headline guests filming a live She Drew That podcast. Katie Menzies (1/2 of Cabeza Patata), Eva Münnich, Angie Phillips (Arc Studio) and Hannah Lau-Walker talked about their work, experiences, and SDT’s 3 main focuses: Support, Development and Promotion of women in animation.

Starting as a monthly meet up, She Drew That runs initiatives that support, develop and promote women in animation. Workshops, interviews, mentoring, residencies & animation challenges. All designed to demystify the industry, build skills, and access jobs. Find out more at:

Thanks to Bigtooth Studios for filming and Robbie King for being on the buttons.

November 2022's Playlist

Waheeda Rahman-Mair - Lionsapien - Oliver Asadi x Afrirampo

Live Podcast hosted by Hannah Lau-Walker

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This was our biggest yet and had a heap of chaotic energy from the early days. Part of the charm… for some. This was also the first time we had a majority of female animators showing work. Hopefully a start to getting the balance right.

As prizes, we had rearrangeable action figures courtesy of Ollie Jones, and some Cyriak designed slide puzzles.

Cyriak Harris was our main guest… eventually. We churned through his incredible career, from his first hits on YouTube, music video commissions and recent projects. It was a particular treat to see the animations on a big screen, getting baffled by the magic tricks that he performs with After Effects.

August 2022's Playlist

Lucy Ball - Fish & Chips

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We were back where it all started 3 years ago at Flatpack Festival's Hub in the Custard Factory.

The night was a testament to how much the community has built up in that time. The night was fully booked, ram-packed with talent, and the atmosphere was buzzing. Or maybe that was just everybody's relief that Louis survived his homemade pogo stick legs.

Writer and animator, Harriet Gillian was our main guest. She talked through her and Hannah Jacobs' BFI Network funded film, 'Your Mountain Is Waiting', the world of freelance, and being in an animation power couple with Matt Partridge.

May 2022's Playlist

Elliot Spencer-Wright - Not Ur Baby, Opal Wood - There For You

Robert King - Digital Existentialism 2022

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Past Events

Overlap Animation Show & Tell

organised by Louis Hudson

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